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    Chicco Ohlala Twin Stroller (0 m+)

    $ 321.00
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    Chicco is an Italian brand with over 60 years of global experience designed with safety and comfort to help children at every stage. Chicco is constantly working to create the best products while respecting people and the environment, with a perspective to future generations. Chicco never fails to track style trends and explore new innovations to create a range of fashionable and practical baby gear.



    The Chicco Ohlala Twin doubles the fun, light and compactness found in the original Chicco Ohlala stroller. Modern and eye catching, it guarantees parents and babies the same comfort and smartness of use the Ohlala2 does, but for two little ones.

    How to use:

    Easy to lift, to drive and carry, it is the perfect ally for parents of two little ones. Approved from birth to 15kg. One handed folding and self standing once folded in a super compact shape means it is easy to assemble/disassemble when carrying other items, or children, in your arms. 


    Familialist's recommendation:

    We highly recommend Chicco Ohlala Twin Stroller because it allows parents to choose the best configuration for each baby to keep them as comfortable as possible when on the go.